Talk To Us


John Brough


Andy Flack

Quartet Coordinator

Henry Foster

Chorus Director

Victor Wong

Performance Coach

Andy Foster

You can use the form on this page to review and rate us, or just use it to say hello – the choice is yours. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed. If the message warrants a reply then someone from the chorus will contact you at the earliest convenience.

Use this form to contact us and and someone will acknowledge and contact you.

Tick this box if you would like to visit us.

Why not visit us?

Of course you may prefer to visit us to experience the reality of Barbershop harmony and you will be more than welcome. We rehearse every Tuesday from 7:30 PM until 10:00 PM at Beacon Church Pheasey, Collingwood Drive, Birmingham. B43 7JL. and we will always welcome visitors. You can pre-arrange a visit by completing the form on this page and completing the box that asks for the date of your visit. The advantage in pre-booking a visit is that we will have a visitors folder prepared for you, but, you can also just turn up at the school whilst we are rehearsing and you will still be made welcome. If you are there during our tea/coffee break you will also be offered a small refreshment and someone from the chorus will come and chat with you, answering any questions you may have and helping you to feel at ease.

In Rehearsal